What we do

Bioactivx provides advance wound care solutions to acute wound patients with benefits of accelerated, scarless healing and low infection risk. Applications include burns, abrasions, cuts and ulcers.

BioactivTM Matrix

Our flagship dermal matrix product protects wound beds from foreign materials and encourage skin regeneration through our proprietary material technology. 

Benefits of BioactivTM Matrix

Faster: Accelerated Healing

With the ability to reduce inflammation and speed up skin regeneration, there is a low risk of permanent scarring from the use of BioactivTM Matrix.

Better: Negligible risk of infection

As BioactivTM Matrix is not made of animal collagen, there is negligible risk of infection. Resources for infection management can be reduced.

Cheaper: Shorter admission

We no longer require the use of operating theatre or having the patient to go under general anesthesia, which forms bulk of the cost of burns treatment today.

 Our Technology

Using advanced tissue engineering technologies, we give your body a boost to help it regenerate it’s own tissues. With our peptide technology, we bring infection risks to a minimal and allow scar-free, accelerated wound healing.

Want to know more about BioactivTM Matrix?

Email contact [at] bioactivx [dot] com to get more information about the BioactivTM Matrix